The struggles faced by students in stress management on a daily basis cannot be overemphasized. Many students are exposed to serious levels of increased course load over time, especially those who enroll in highly specialized courses. A great amount of this ‘load’ is experienced by students during crucial moments like:

  • Exams and impromptu tests.
  • First-year during enrollment and adaptation.
  • For some universities, the workload is very high during the middle years.
  • Final year exams/projects/research.

Many times those who go through this get affected in more ways than one. Before we delve into the main issue, it is important to understand the genesis of this problem, and answer the question: what possibilities are there in managing stress at college?


One of the most overlooked aspects in the lives of students is their mental welfare. Institutions mainly access the mental abilities of their students, but only a few tend to extend this to the mental health problems of their learners. A lot of students tend to get ‘overwhelmed’ by the volume of their intended course and at such their interest drops. They find their discipline difficult and confusing, and their constant worrying does nothing to reduce stress levels. In fact, it jacks them up.

Asides coursework volume, there are a number of things that can serve to heighten overwork levels in learners. One of such things is being faced with unusually rigid or tough teachers, or doing courses that you have no passion for. The latter is very common because in order not to disappoint their parents, students take on courses that are either too bulky for their capacity or challenge their wellbeing. Sometimes, they get so frustrated that they can decide to pay someone to write essay, just so they could rest. When learners take on courses just to keep smiles on other people’s faces, the end result usually points to an unhappy, almost depressed youth. And depression itself can be seen as a form of stress. Or it can trigger unnecessary workload panic. One of the most popular natural remedies for stress and anxiety is cannabis. If you’re fond of this natural medicine, you can try using tobacco alternatives in your joint so that the smoke you inhale is pure.

Exploring stress relief tools

There is a number of relief tools that can be used to alleviate the level of discomfort brought on by stress:

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1. Fitness

Good old exercises! Old but gold, they always say. Exercises are a great way to loosen up and let off’ some steam’. About three to four times a week of different exercises including yoga can do a lot for your health and wellness goals. Improved sleep patterns, better concentration in class, enough energy to go through the day are some of the benefits.

2. Power naps

Power naps are ultra-short sleep breaks people can take during the day. It is one of the stress management strategies that can be used by students who have no control over their school timetables. It gives the brain a moment to recharge and generally get through the day.

3. Music

What’s better than alleviating overwork levels or improving your cognition? Being able to do both in one go! Over time, music has come to be recognized as a very powerful, multi-faceted tool that is useful in many instances. Relieving stress happens to be one of them. And while you are at it, music also has the chance to give you a ‘brain massage’. This is because music activates certain areas of the cerebral cortex, some of which are connected to our cognitive process. Win-win on all sides.

4. Nutrition

This point can never be overstated: nutrition is a key! Our daily energy supply depends a great deal on what we put in our stomachs. A poorly-fed person doesn’t get the right amounts of energy distributed through their body. It’s one thing to eat, and another to be sure of the value of what you eat. Whether you are confident that your diet provides you all you need, or you add something from Gold Bee Nutrition into your routine to top yourself up with what you feel you may be lacking, keeping your nutrition at optimal levels is one of the surest ways to reduce stress on a daily basis.

5. The concept of Positivity

Have you ever noticed that when you feeling down or in a bad mood, you tend to react to things even worse than normal? Certain studies have been carried out to determine the connection between stress levels and optimistic thinking. The results show that optimists tend to experience less stress and more relief because they create a positive atmosphere with their thoughts. No matter how tough schoolwork can get, keeping a positive attitude might be all you need to scale through and avoid getting stressed. Obviously, this is easier said than done, so you might want to look into using terpenes or something similar from Finest Labs. Limonene, for instance, is a terpene found in citrus fruits that has a mood-elevating effect.

jeremyJeremy Raynolds is a freelance writer and career consultant based in Florida. He is a big believer in Louis Pasteur’s motto ‘chance favors the prepared.’ He is a regular contributor at where he helps students actualize their academic writing dreams.

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