Information Technology

It was easy to manage an office when the office was connected to a mainframe that all stations input information into. Then the Internet was introduced into an office atmosphere. At first, these individual stations were connected to the Internet, but not to each other.

They acted as standalone stations rather than part of a network. It was not long before technicians were able to connect all the stations to each other and allow access to each computer by remote administration.

This worked well to encourage everyone to work efficiently while enjoying the ability to access information that previously was not available. In some cases, employees began to bring their own laptops and equipment to work.

A newspaper reporter or a photographer may need the software they have installed on their own machines rather than try to work with software that does not meet their needs. This allows them to do the job without the company paying for additional software copies to meet everyone’s individual preferences. Now, the iPad, Smartphones and tablets are making their way into the workplace.

These items will need to be incorporated into the company if they are going to be used as part of the office network. While they technically still belong to the employee, they can be used in the office. Enterprise information technology allows the employee the ability to use their own devices while being a productive member of the team. As technology changes, the office atmosphere also changes. The mobility of these new devices allows the employee much more freedom to be productive.

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