Writing content for multiple platforms daily can be time consuming for the most skilled writer. It means you have to write content that is fresh, interesting, and provides valuable feedback to clients.  So, what do you do when you need to curate high quality content?  Do you just type in some keywords on Google? No, instead, you utilize content curation tools to enhance your scope. Therefore, today we are discussing the top five content curation tools for 2015 to ensure that you have a head start.


Trap.It  is one of the cool content curation tools that areconsidered “intelligent”. When utilizing this platform you will find that the more content you, curate the smarter it becomes. Therefore, when you use Trap.It you will be able to find the high quality content that you desire and it will be trapped in folders so you can gain inspiration in the future.



When you need to curate blog content that can be utilized as references in future posts Feedly is the platform to use. While it does not pull images in the search, it is an important tool and the lack of images allows you to let your creativity flow through your content.



You probably never thought a social network could be a content curation tool. Pinterest is here to prove you wrong. With this social network, you can follow others in your industry so you can always have a steady flow of relevant content ideas. You have the ability to repin the ideas to your Pinterest boards and they can be used whenever you need to curate content for yourself and your clients.


Quora is a content curation tool that you will actually enjoy using. It is easy to set up an account and once you have an account you can search your keywords and store the content for use in the future. If you want to make curating content even easier, you can adjust your settings so you are notified when relevant articles come up in your industry via your inbox.


Scoop.It is another valuable tool because it allows you to curate content while also opening the door for you to connect with other content curators. By utilizing this platform, you can gain valuable insights from industry leaders and you can exchange ideas to help others and yourself curate high quality content.

Closing Thoughts

There are numerous content curation tools available on the web. However, these are the top five that we found to be the most useful in 2015. You can also visit http://www.voucherbin.co.uk for other tools that can benefit your business while receiving special discount codes to make the tools/services more affordable.

When it comes to creating valuable and fresh content for readers content curation tools are the way to do so. It makes writing content fun and less taxing when you constantly have access to various ideas that can be used for inspiration.

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